Holodiag owns 540 m² dedicated to the study and the characterization of the solid state, including several fully equipped laboratories and rooms dedicated to our analytical systems.
All analytical methods can safely analyze toxic samples down to 50 ng/m3.
Our two Malvern Panalytical Empyrean S3 are equipped with a PIXcel detector.
Their different setups allow to provide specific answers for a given problem on a wide range of samples:
• Low concentrations of API
• Wet powder
• Slurries or suspensions
• Tabs or pills
• Very low quantities, etc.
Our DSC, a Mettler Toledo DSC 3+ allows to work on a broad range of temperatures (- 70 °C up to more than 300 °C).
Heating and cooling rates (from 0.01 °C/min up to 100 °C/min) allow to find the best compromise between resolution and intensity of the thermal events, depending on the aim of the analysis.
Our thermal analyzer, a Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC 3+ enables working on a broad range of sub-ambient temperatures (up to 1000 °C).
Heating rates (0.1 to 50 °C/min) give flexibility and better adjustment to experimental needs. Moreover, the high sensitivity of the micro-balance (0.1 µg) and its precision enable sharp detection of the most subtle phenomena.
Holodiag owns two Dynamic Vapor Sorption (DVS) devices.
Our systems (Surface Measurement System DVS Intrinsic), allow to monitor sample mass variation vs. Relative Humidity (RH).
Holodiag owns a ThermoFisher Nicolet iS5 spectrometer to quickly and accurately perform infrared spectra.
The Attenuated Total Reflection (ATR) system with diamond window allows to easily analyze powders and liquids.
We own an Agilent Cary 60 Ultra-Violet spectrometer which can perform UV-visible spectra and accurately measure absorbance values.
Holodiag has an automatic volumetric titration system. The Karl Fischer method allows precise titration of water by specific redox reaction. One of the applications of KF is the determination of the stoichiometry of hydrates.
We own a Malvern Mastersizer 3000 granulometer with both modes : dry and liquid.
Our device is fully installed inside a laminar flow hood allowing analyses on toxic samples.
Holodiag is equipped to measure powder density and flowability according to Ph. Eur 2.9.34.
We propose to measure the bulk/packed density with calculation of the Hausner index in order to evaluate the flow behavior of the powder.
Holodiag is equipped with Dissolutest Vision G2 Elite 8 and intrinsic dissolution rate apparatus as described in Pharmacopoeia.
Solution concentration is monitored by HPLC or UV spectroscopy.
Holodiag, expert CRO dedicated to pharma solid state and crystallization of small molecules